Sister Naoma Duhé, MSC
In Memoriam
Sr. Naoma Duhe, MSC (AKA as Mollie Catherine Duhe) was born April 1, 1931 in Paulina, Louisiana. She died peacefully at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home on October 30, 2021 at 5:00 AM.
Sr. Naoma was preceded in death by her father, Samuel Joseph Duhe, her mother, Cecilia Boudeaux, and her brother-in-law, Gaston “Ponnie”Ayme, Jr. She is survived by her sister, Helen Ayme; her nieces, Mollie Chapman and Thecla Markle; and nephews, Grant, Emric, Nathan, Tyler, and Mahlon Ayme. She is also survived by her former student and faithful friend, Annette Breaux.
Sr. Naoma entered the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception on June 9, 1948 and pronounced perpetual vows on August 9, 1956. Her first years in ministry were spent in education in Church Point, White Castle, Lockport, New Orleans, Destrehan, and Bay St. Louis. She also served in congregational administration from 1971-72 as treasurer and as superior general from 1974-1980. In 1987 and after months of spiritual discernment, Sr. Naoma felt called to transfer to the Marianites of Holy Cross. With firm resolve, she began the process of transfer which culminated in her pronouncing vows as a Marianite on August 18, 1991. Sister then served at St. Rita School teaching math and religion and ministered to the Sisters at St. Joseph Convent in New Orleans. Due to declining health, she moved to Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home on January 21, 2016.
As an apostolic religious since 1948, Sr. Naoma had a varied and rich experience living her religious vows in two congregations, serving in education, in congregational leadership, in parish ministry, and in community service. In addition to education, one of her great joys was serving in the kitchen. She loved to cook and to add the flavors of her own garden to the dishes she prepared. Being raised in the country, she loved to hunt and fish with family and friends, and no turtle was safe if it crossed her path! Her turtle soup was a delicacy she loved to prepare and to share.
Sr. Naoma delighted in the Lord’s gifts in nature and Psalm 8 was her favorite! Delighting in creation, she could pray with the psalmist: “When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place; who are we that you are mindful of us, mere mortals that you care for us?” In this heartfelt prayer, she reverenced her place as creature before her Creator; and always eager to prepare and serve at table, she echoed the words of Isaiah (25:6) in her life: “On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will provide for all people a feast of rich food and choice wines….” We are certain that she now has a few very practical suggestions for those preparing and serving at the eternal banquet!
At the end of her mortal life and beginning of her eternal life, the spiritual treasures of her direct and honest insights, her organization and simple living, her love and appreciation of the gifts of God’s creation are the pearls of great price which she offers to us. We rejoice with you, Sr. Naoma, as you enter eternal life and ask that you join your heavenly prayer to ours in the words of Psalm 8: “O Lord, our Lord, how awesome is your name through all the earth! You have set your majesty above the heavens…. O Lord, our Lord, how awesome is your name through all the earth!”
To celebrate her life, a wake service was held on Thursday, November 4th from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM in the chapel at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home. Mass of the Resurrection was held at 10:00 AM in the same chapel followed by burial in St. Landry Cemetery in Opelousas, Louisiana.
Community Sponsored
21388 Smith Road + Covington, Louisiana 70435
Ph: 985-893-5201 + Fax: 985-893-5190
Lord Jesus, source of all that is good, you inspired Blessed Basil Moreau
to found the religious family of Holy Cross to continue your mission
among the People of God. May he be for us a model of the apostolic life,
an example of fidelity and an inspiration as we strive to follow you.
May we imitate Basil Moreau’s holiness and confidently seek his intercession
before you, Lord Jesus, in our times of need. Amen.
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