Sister Mary Consuelo Champagne, MSC
In Memoriam
Sr. Mary Consuelo “Connie” Champagne, MSC was born March 14, 1927 in New Orleans, LA. She died at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home on August 4, 2022 at 3:50 PM. Sr. Connie was preceded in death by her father, Alcide Paul Champagne, her mother, Gertrude Naquin Champagne; by her brothers: Arthur, Claude, and Lionel; by her nephew, Clifford, and her niece, Susan Bartemus. She is lovingly survived by nieces, nephews, and their children; as well as, by her many faithful friends.
Sister entered the Congregation of the Marianites of Holy Cross on January 13, 1945 and pronounced her perpetual vows on August 12, 1950. She received her college education at Holy Angels Academy and Loyola University in New Orleans. She also received a Master’s Degree in Science Education from Incarnate Word University in San Antonio, Texas. From 1947-1973, Sister was involved in education in various places including St. Mary of the Angels, St. Cecilia, and St. Rita schools in New Orleans; and at secondary schools in Houma, Plaquemine, Morgan City, and at Archbishop Blenk High School in Gretna. She also taught in the St. Bernard Public School System at Chalmette Senior High.
During her years of ministry, she served in Marianite leadership as a member of the provincial administration and as Executive Director of the Office of Women Religious in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Following special training in retreat ministry and spiritual direction, she was instrumental in bringing the Jesuit form of directed retreats to the Marianites of Holy Cross and to many others. As a retreat director, Sr. Connie served at Maryhill Renewal Center in Pineville for four years and then in Grand Coteau at the Jesuit Spirituality Center from 1988-2011. She then moved to Opelousas and continued her retreat and spiritual direction ministries. Due to declining health, she was admitted to Prompt Succor Nursing Home in July of 2015. During this time, she continued her ministry of spiritual direction and retreat work accompanying many on their faith journey until the end of her life.
One of Sr. Connie’s favorite scripture passages was: “Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, heeding his voice and holding fast to him.” (Deuteronomy 30:19-20) Throughout her life in the various places and types of ministries, she encouraged all to practice this wisdom. She was devoted to Mary and daily prayed to her. A friend wrote in a note to her in her final days: “Sr. Connie, I will never forget you. By your teaching and example, you taught me to pray to Mary, our Mother, to proclaim the greatness of the Lord, to rejoice always in God my Savior.” Faithful in choosing life for over 95 years, the Lord, who is ever faithful, has now come and embraced her into the fullness of eternal life! We ask Sr. Connie to pray for us that we, too, may unite ourselves with Mary, our Mother, and daily embrace the wisdom of – Choosing life! Loving the Lord! Heeding his voice! Holding fast to Him!
Sister donated her body to the LSU Medical Center. To celebrate her life, a memorial mass was celebrated on Friday, August 19, 2022 at 10:30 AM in the chapel at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home. We want to express profound gratitude to the staff of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home for their caring and compassionate presence to Sr. Connie during the last seven years of her life.
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Lord Jesus, source of all that is good, you inspired Blessed Basil Moreau
to found the religious family of Holy Cross to continue your mission
among the People of God. May he be for us a model of the apostolic life,
an example of fidelity and an inspiration as we strive to follow you.
May we imitate Basil Moreau’s holiness and confidently seek his intercession
before you, Lord Jesus, in our times of need. Amen.
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