Soeur Monique Laplante, MSC
In Memoriam
Sr. Monique Laplante was born in Sainte-Méthode, Canada, on May 8, 1931. She was the daughter of Rose Aimée Lefebvre and Jules-Aimé Laplante.
When she was twenty years old, Monique left Canada and journeyed to Princeton, New Jersey, to enter the Congregation of the Marianites of Holy Cross on January 31, 1952. On November 15, 1952, she received the Marianite habit and the religious name Sister Marie Laurent.
Following her novitiate at Our Lady of Princeton, Sister pronounced temporary vows on December 8, 1953, and returned to her native Canada. During her whole religious life, Monique remained very close to her family, especially to her sister Julienne.
Monique’s first years of profession were spent as a nurse’s aide and in some laboratory work at St. Joseph Hospital in Lac Mégantic. In 1961 she went to Montreal where she studied in the field of child care and worked in that area for several years.
From 1963 to 1965, Sister was a student to be a practical nurse, a ministry she continued with great devotion for some twenty-seven years (1965 – 1992). For many of these years, she was at Maison Frère André Convalescent Home in Lac Mégantic.
During her last few years of active ministry, Monique worked in long-term care at the hospital in Lac Mégantic. During that time she also served as the Marianites’ local coordinator, a post to which she had been named in 1986. As much as possible, Sister attended the annual retreats and assemblies of the Marianites.
When she officially retired from her medical profession in 1993, Monique continued her ministry as a volunteer. At the hospital, she worked in pastoral care, serving as a lector and Communion minister. She rendered many other services as they were needed, both at the hospital and in her local community.
In 1994, Sister participated in the Holy Cross international session at the Marianite motherhouse in Le Mans, an occasion that gave her great joy. Other big events in which she participated included the 150th anniversary of Holy Cross at St. Joseph Oratory in 1997, and several of the major feasts concerning the beatification and canonization of Brother André.
From 1992 to 2007, Sister rendered community service at her Marianite local community house, Maison St. Joseph, on Rue Morrison in Lac Mégantic. Prayer and community service were the “jobs” she fulfilled with gentleness and love. She was also very active in the parish life of her local church, St. Agnes in Lac-Mégantic.
Once the house on Rue Morrisson was sold and the sisters moved to other quarters, Monique took up residence at Village Harmonie in Lac Mégantic.
Monique died on April 29, 2016 in Fleurimont Hospital at the age of 84. Her death came as a surprise during what was to be a fairly routine medical procedure. A wake was held in the funeral parlor of Jacques and Sons. The local newspaper said, “Sr. Monique leaves in mourning the Marianite sisters: Cecile Boulé, Regina Lacroix, Monique Boulé, Suzanne Bédard, and also her brothers and sisters, several nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends.”
Her funeral Mass was celebrated at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 7, 2016, in St. Agnes Church of Lac Mégantic. It was followed by her burial in the parish cemetery.
May our dear Monique’s soul rest in peace!
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Lord Jesus, source of all that is good, you inspired Blessed Basil Moreau
to found the religious family of Holy Cross to continue your mission
among the People of God. May he be for us a model of the apostolic life,
an example of fidelity and an inspiration as we strive to follow you.
May we imitate Basil Moreau’s holiness and confidently seek his intercession
before you, Lord Jesus, in our times of need. Amen.
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